Monday, April 21, 2008


This past weekend I was "honored" when I met Gov. Ed Rendell (D-PA) and Chelsea Clinton while they were doing a media filled "gay pub crawl" around Philadelphia’s gay section. She was sweet, and looked great, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized the game they were playing. Just because you went to a few gay bars does not mean your father didn’t sign “don’t ask don’t tell” into effect, or that both of your parents backed DOMA. So, even though I was impressed for the first few hours after our meeting, I was not impressed with the over all message. A pub crawl?
First of all, the LGBT community is not only about going out to drink in sweat filled, std-ridden dance clubs (which are basically a cover for a modern day bath house). Secondly, how dare you insult my intelligence by shoving your daughter, who clearly has her ambitions set on the 2016 or 2020 presidential race (sound familiar)?, in my face when you were no where to be found? You can do all of the interviews on the ELLEN show you want, I still DO NOT BELIEVE YOU.
Also, I'm sure everyone has caught wind of Michael Moore’s first public statement regarding this primary race on his blog, and I found some other information about the Rev. Wright controversy.
Allegedly, back in 1998 just moments before it was released to the media that Bill Clinton had sexual relations with intern Monica Lewinsky, he tried to do some damage control by hosting a breakfast with a few elite spiritual leaders across the country in order for them to show support and offer guidance during his family’s difficult time. Who was in attendance? Non-other then Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who was shown here ( admirably gazing in President Clintons eyes. Does he LOOK like he hates white people all that much? No. The fact that he even showed up to the breakfast makes monumental statements. Judge for yourself.
On my last topic, it was made abundantly clear to me over the weekend that race is still a major, major issue in America. When some still throw out the detestable N-word, without regard for anyone else in the room, it really hits home quite hard. I mean middle class white people who live in mixed neighborhoods still talk this way and MEAN it? I know I am young and still have a lot to learn, but I thought we have made steps forward.
I may not truly ever understand the struggle of African Americans, but I think I have a better understanding than most. In no way am I tapping myself on the back for any type of conversation I once had with a black person or certain friends that I associate myself with, I'm just saying I have allowed my mind to open and I LISTEN and READ everything I can. Educating yourself is so important, yet some of us still desire to be left in the dark. I say to you, Good Luck, good riddance and good bye.

Friday, April 11, 2008


With the primaries approaching in Pennsylvania, Sen. Clinton (NY) is using her husband to win the votes she so desperarelty needs. In an article written by NPR's Mara Liasson, it is clear that the people of Levittown, PA want the old days of the 90's back, when Bill Clinton was in office and our economy was booming (because of the working middle class). It was a great time, I admitt, however, whose to say that Hillary could bring that back? And do we want it back? Times are different; we are in 2008! I wish people would stop wishing it was 5, 10, 15 years ago. WE MUST LOOK FOWARD! The question shouldn't be "Who can bring us back to the 90's?", instead we should be asking ourselves "who is better for us now until 2012? Who has AMERICAS interest at heart?". I reccomend that people not only in Levitttown, but all across PA can sit back and really think what they want for thier future and thier families future.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The War on Terrorism: A drama, coming to a theatre near you

With the state in which the world is currently in, American media prefers to shield us from reality by reporting on breaking news, such as the engagement of Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz or the blossoming relationship between Paris Hilton and “rocker” Benji Madden; leading us all to believe that this pesky little thing called “war” is going just fine and dandy. Leaving out, of course, the 4,000+ U.S. and 500,000+ Iraqi death toll (the number could even be higher; leaving out pictures of children without legs, hands, arms, ears or other important appendages; leaving out the fact that Verizon wireless has authorized the government to monitor all calls, emails and text messages that go through its main frame for “the pursuit of potential terrorists threats”.
It makes me wonder what country I am really living in? When hearing about how Lauren Conrad’s (who?) new clothing line is too expensive on the subway, the same subway which is closely monitored by both the NYPD and the United States Marine Corp. holding Uzi’s in locations such as Penn Station and Grand Central Terminal, I had to ask myself “Does this not bother ANYONE?!”
Where are all the demonstrations we saw happening in history movies of Vietnam and Korea? Oh, that’s right; the Pentagon forbade media outlets to film planes FILLED with coffins of dead U.S. soldiers, as to not cause any problems.
Why? Should we not see what it is exactly that is happening? Why are we the only country that needs to be protected from REALITY (when, coincidentally, the most popular genre of television right now in the United States is “reality” television)?
I am aware that many people, especially those who are currently enrolled in the armed forces, may find offense to what I am saying, however, for clarification purposes I would like to address the fact that I am not anti-war nor am I making any statement regarding each and every single one of your individual contributions; I am simply trying to figure out why the rest of the world does not romanticize this war, when we do? Most of those in the armed forces (and yes, I have many brave friends who have gone or are ready to go to Iraq, Germany or Afghanistan) will tell stories of what they have seen or been forced to do, making the rest of us feel horrible for their experience, but thanking them every step of the way. I too, thank you, and believe you should be on board with me when I say the rest of America should see exactly what YOU saw; it is my decision, after all, if I want to close my eyes and it is my decision if I wish to change the channel, but it is my RIGHT to be informed of everything that occurs while my brothers and sisters are over seas.
I watched a documentary today that incorporated a speech made by Amy Goodman, with recent news reports of the war on Iraq, and the views she expressed made all too much sense; why are we not questioning EVERYTHING about this? One of her main points was “If America was exposed to the realities of war without figures, numbers, or photos of military personal setting out over the sunset, for one week, this war could be over.” You can look the images up for yourself; this is real, people. Our friends, our relatives, our earthly companions are DYING, all while our own economy is skydiving into the depths of hell. So, what does Paris have to say about that?

Lets talk about...

I have made the decision to use this blog as a forum for discussion on the current state of our union, The United States of America. I love this country an am proud to be a citizen; however, with recent times it is hard to believe the blatant veil of ignorance that many of our fellow citizens choose to hide themselves.
Living in New York City post 9/11 has given me a certain level of anxiety, not because I am frightened, but because I am told I SHOULD be afraid; any day now, any day, another attack will happen!
So, what am I supposed to do? Move? Not take the subway? Not fly? FUCK THAT. I will continue to live my life the way I choose and if something were to happen then, well, shit happens but at least I know that I was a part of it.
I will write and discuss certain topics that I find distressing, regarding anything from an article I have read, a documentary I have seen, an opinion on a blog post, or a simple observation while living my life in New York. I will start with something that I found interesting today while in my International Communications class, regarding American Media and how we romanticize the current war in (on) Iraq, instead of providing the truths and accuracies the rest of the world observes. Feel free to express yourself in any way you wish; I am not a professional nor am I perfect but I am both highly concerned and opinionated about the civil liberties that were promised to me when I was brought into this world, that ever so slightly, seem to be fading into oblivion.